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Free Weekly Prayer Book

Good afternoon! I've been working on this project since before my 7 month old was born and I'm finally ready to share it with you all! Later this week, you can download "The Parables of Jesus: A 10 Week Unit Study" designed for Orthodox moms with toddlers. Of course, other Christians can use it too, such as Catholics or Sunday school teachers, but because Orthodox Christians are such a minority in this country, my desire was to create resources for this specific group of people. The exciting thing is, that this is the first of MANY.  You can read more about why I started Lion & Lamb Learning on my first post here.

But for now, I have a freeby for you all. I made a weekly prayer book that can be printed out with a color printer and stapled together. Forgive me as it is a little bit of a sloppy design as I am limited in tools right now, but remember that it is free (insert cry laugh emoji)! This prayer book is designed to go along with the weekly rhythms of the Church, so you don't have to be doing any homeschooling to find this useful! Download your Free Weekly Prayer Book right now! 

Until next time!



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