Hey! My name is Valerie. I'm a stay at home mom of two boys. Initially, it may look like I am just another mom blogger and how different can this really be?
Let me share a little bit of my story. I converted to eastern orthodoxy about two years ago and felt a responsibility to incorporate our new faith into the hearts of my children and rooms of my home. After some research, I realized quickly that there weren't very many resources for English speaking orthodox Christians, much less preschoolers. I was given advice to just participate in the church calendar and my children would learn and pick it up on their own. I was told that two is too young to worry about these things. While I don't dispute that some of this is true, I just wanted to engage more with my children. And honestly, what's the harm in that?
I had looked into Catechism of the Good Shepherd, but only 2 orthodox churches in the US have this program, and it cost over $300 to take the course, plus an airline ticket most likely. Money, training, materials, and physical space made this option inaccessible for other moms like me. Other resources I found were for older children. I saw a need for this demographic of people and so the idea of Lion and Lamb Learning was born. Initially, I decided to write and share curriculum/unit studies, but I also found that as an American Orthodox mamma running a "little church" home, there was room to create new family traditions and inspire others who were wanting the same thing.
The name came from my two children: Shepherd and Leo (which means lion.) I loved the imagery of different beasts coming together in peace. While things are just getting started, I have many ideas to share with you all. I'm excited to start this eclectic journey of discovery and learning. I hope you will join us!
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